R&D modeling studies
Through hydro(bio)(geo)chemical & reactive transport modeling, and taking advantage of my experimental background, I offer to carry-out R&D studies in different sectors such as those listed below. But I am open to explore any question involving aqueous, gas-water-solid interactions geochemistry, and/or reactive transport !
Here are examples of past studies of mine:
A PHREEQC model of Li2CO3 solubilization in NaCl and LiCl aqueous solutions up to 70 °C
Li2CO3 solubility in pure water from 0 to 100 °C (line=model ; points=measurements) kgw : kilogram of water ; T : temperature Experimental data from
Underground Hydrogen Storage
In Porous Media 1-Geochemical thermodynamics PHREEQC calculations a) H2 Impact on a Well Cement : Representative Elementary Volume (REV) of the cement model before (left)
Model for barite scale deposition
Modeling of barite (BaSO4) deposition/scaling as due to mixing of two ‘incompatible’ waters, compared with experimental measurements :