Next PHREEQC training course
11, 12 and 13 February 2025
In-person, in (the beautiful town of) Paris
Latest publication
The association of natural hydrogen and nitrogen: The ammonium clue ?
Who am I?
Independent researcher/consultant since 2014, I have worked for industry, academics and research agencies. I use hydro(geo)chemical & reactive transport softwares to address my clients’ questions; taking advantage of my background in laboratory experiments carrying-out. I have worked on number of topics; and especially ones related to the energetic/ecological transition such as Carbon Capture (Utilization) & Storage (CC(U)S), geothermal energy & Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) in salt caverns or aquifers in the few past years.

My tool : PHREEQC

Hydrogeochemical and reactive transport modeling
PHREEQC allows to calculate the thermochemical equilibrium of gas-water-solid systems, but also their state after a time period through user-defined kinetical laws for chemical reaction progress with time.
I have carried out R&D studies in different sectors such as Underground Hydrogen Storage, Natural Hydrogen, Carbon Capture (Utilization) and Storage (CC(U)S), Geothermal Energy, and much more !
Underground Hydrogen Storage
In Porous Media 1-Geochemical thermodynamics PHREEQC calculations a) H2 Impact on a Well Cement : Representative Elementary Volume (REV) of the cement model before (left)
Model for barite scale deposition
Modeling of barite (BaSO4) deposition/scaling as due to mixing of two ‘incompatible’ waters, compared with experimental measurements :
Some of my clients