Research & Training in geochemical & Reactive Transport modeling

A PHREEQC model of Li2CO3 solubilization in NaCl and LiCl aqueous solutions up to 70 °C

Li2CO3 solubility in pure water from 0 to 100 °C (line=model ; points=measurements)

kgw : kilogram of water ; T : temperature

Experimental data from CRC handbook of chemistry and physics (2005)

Li2CO3 solubility in NaCl solutions to 70 °C (lines=model ; points=measurements)

m : molality i.e. moles per kilogram of water

Experimental data from Cheng et al. (2013)

Li2CO3 solubility in LiCl solutions to 70 °C (lines=model ; points=measurements)

m : molality

Experimental data from Cheng et al. (2013)

References :

Cheng et al. (2013) Solubility of Li2COin Na–K–Li–Cl brines from 20 to 90 °C. Journal of chemical thermodynamics.

CRC handbook of chemistry and physics (2005).

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